New light install for autism center

Help us install new lights and replace failing light fixtures.

The Autism Center has $16,740.56 worth of new lights to replace, and we have received them thanks to a generous grant from the Schmeiding Foundation! We now need to raise funds to hire an electrician with a lift to change them.

Your support is urgently needed for our campaign to replace 120 failing LED lights in the American Autism & Rehabilitation Center, a crucial facility providing therapies for children with special needs. Your donation directly funds the purchase and installation of new lights, creating a safe and optimal environment for their therapy sessions. By contributing to this cause, you make a profound impact on these remarkable children, enhancing their focus, visual stimulation, and overall sense of security. Your generosity empowers them to reach their full potential, fostering their growth, development, and well-being. Please donate today to bring light and transformative opportunities to children with special needs, ensuring they receive the essential therapies they deserve in a safe and nurturing environment. Thank you for your unwavering support.